Business Intelligence & Reporting

Guarantees your print business is data-driven

A complete Business Intelligence and Reporting module collects data from all print facility production processes, delivering insights, statistics, and predefined KPIs that facilitate day-to-day business decisions and activities.


Business Intelligence & Reporting provides straightforward benefits as follows:

Dashboards and KPIs that provide at-a-glance visibility
Cross-departmental statistics and reports saving time and resources
Productivity and profitability analysis improves decision making
Up-to-date business performance evaluation


We use reports to display a list of records that meet the criteria that are defined. Reports provide detailed information on how a division is performing and allow for the analysis and justification of metrics (i.e. sales or production metrics), and the presentation of statistics for data analysis.

Reports may be several pages long, typically contain tables and charts, and require that the user scrolls through and clicks on the charts to drill down for viewing further details. Tables generated from the reports can also be used as part of the dashboards, which will be explained later.


Report Designer

This tool is used to design custom reports that may generate additional information, which is not provided by the existing reports available. Starting, the report type is chosen, either a table report, a cross tab report, or another template. The user can choose the data source type that would be either a database, an excel file, an entity framework, an object, etc.

Calculated fields and parameters can be added to a selected section. In calculated fields, there is the possibility to output data that is calculated using primary data from the source. Moreover, there is the possibility to use functions, within chosen fields, such as summary, average, or count.

Within the chart designer, there is a choice between bar charts, pivot grids, gauge charts, sparklines, or histograms, which can be chosen depending on the context of the information. Dynamic fields and scripts can also be used in sections as needed in the report.

Layout design of several pages, formatting of pages with fields where the user can add text, tables, label objects, etc. There are several formatting options as well as the possibility to create collections of styles for templates to be used across different reporting requirements within the organization.


Dashboards are used as a powerful visual representation of key metrics/key performance indicators (KPIs) and a means to quickly highlight overall trends in the company. The dashboards usually contain chart visualizations that provide a snapshot of high-level information in an easily comprehensible way. These are usually presented to the company’s management and depict how the company or a division is performing helping in making leadership decisions.

Meanwhile, on the same view, table reports can also be available for the managers to drill down for assessing more detailed information. A report can be used in a single or in multiple dashboards depending on the required information.


Dashboard Designer

Our Business Intelligence module includes built-in dashboards immediately available to the user, which include the most meaningful, commonly used metrics. Using these dashboards, users can retrieve information based on their selection of time periods, geographical area, and other custom filters.

In addition, an Overprint user of Dashboard Designer can create his own dashboards, which allows the customization and filtering of data as per user preference. Every user can define their own metrics and a graphical representation, either by pivot grids, gauge charts, sparklines, or histograms.

Predefined Analytics

Several reports and dashboards are integrated into the Business Intelligence and Reporting module, which provide default analytics as soon as there are enough data loggings to allow for accurate data analysis. These revolve around three main categories of great concern in every print converting company:

  • Revenue Analysis
  • Production Efficiency
  • Warehouse Optimization

The provision of this predefined set of reports and dashboards empowers the evaluation of cross-departmental statistics while assisting in increasing profitability, productivity analysis, and business performance management.

Revenue Analysis

Revenue Analysis reports & dashboards provide a view of the income generated from the sales of your products over time. They provide the basis for comparing the performance of revenue obtained between different time periods and products. Furthermore, they help identify which customers are more profitable, which products drive revenue growth, and who are the best performing salespersons. This information can be used by the Management to drive future strategies.

These reports also help in providing answers to key business-related questions, such as:

  • Is the revenue growing?
  • Have we reached the expected revenue growth targets?
  • When do we reach peak performance?
  • What revenue is each product generating over time?

The standard templates of reports and dashboards, which are pre-defined in the system are:

  • Customer analysis and revenue contribution
  • Product mix Optimization
  • Sales force efficiency

Production Efficiency

Having an overview of intuitive and graphical dashboards, allows you to gain important insights on how to systematically improve your manufacturing processes and productivity, by benchmarking progress, identifying bottlenecks and their root cause, improving the utilization factor of equipment (thus the equivalent ROI), and ensuring that deadlines are met.

These reports and dashboards also help in providing comprehensive analytics across the production floor motivating employees enhancing healthy competition and accountability. Real-time monitoring of KPIs and metrics, allows you to set targets and assess them in real-time, proactively adjust and make decisions as needed, or identify issues as they happen and provide corrective action.

As such pre-defined reports and dashboards are:

  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Production Performance
  • Idle Time Analysis
  • Material Waste Management

Warehouse Optimization

Warehouse Optimization reports and dashboards allow you to control tasks, such as keeping track of inventory levels and stock locations, efficiency, and speed of delivery. They enable you to decide upon daily operational processes, optimize costs and manage resources within and beyond the warehouse boundaries.

These metrics empower your business in improving customer satisfaction, optimizing your capital allocation, improving warehouse space, highlighting trends, discovering inefficiencies, and defining best practices for your employees.

Overprint’s standards reports and dashboards on Warehouse Optimization are:

  • Stock Management
  • Capital Allocation Optimization
  • Deliveries Improvement

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